NFC Tags and NFC Stickers are great alternatives to mobile access. Starting with 15 November 2019, iOS 13 allows all recent models, starting at the iPhone 7, to read and write NFC tags and cards. Learn how it works!
Video Tutorial
Step-by-Step Guide

1. Click on the Plus-Button
You can find it in the menu NFC Transponder.
2. Tap the transponder on the top of your iPhone
Wait until it's read and don't remove it.

3. NFC transponder was successfully added.
4. A name was automatically generated.
Tap the + button to add an access permission to it.

5. Rename NFC transponder
Click on the More-Button in the right corner.
6. Change name
And press the save button.

✔ Transponder was successfully renamed.
The owner can find the new tag or card under the menu point NFC Transponders.